Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Winners of the Lake Wales
Municipal Fine Art Show
By Jean Donaldson, Executive Administrator
January 31, 2012 Lake Wales, Fla – A watercolor painting by Laura Larsen received Best of Show honors at the reception and awards ceremony on January 26, 2012 as 49 works by more than 19 artists were judged by Stephen Koury. Mr. Koury’s works have been shown in numerous galleries, museums and one-man-show exhibits around the globe. The artistic visions of Mr. Koury engage the viewer to be swept away into his world, the world of nature.

Other winners of the Municipal Fine Art Show include:

Oil Painting:  First Place - "High Horse” by Barbara Dyer; Second Place - "The Grill: LaPurisima 1983” by Jerry Brenning; Third Place - "Serenity in Arizona” by Vivian David; Honorable Mention, -"Black Moshannon” by Clem Newbold.

Acrylic Painting: First Place - "A Walk at Bok” by Beverly Peterson; Second Place - "Siskiyou Sunset” by John Dame, Jr., Third Place – “Everyone’s Fishing” by Gayle Reeder; Honorable Mention – “The Cardinal” by Cynthia Evans”; Honorable Mention – “Faded Peppers” by Judy Giles.

Mixed Media and Watercolor Painting: First Place - "Day Lily” by Margaret Wheaton; Second Place - "Rooster II” by Linda Johnson; Third Place – “Duckpond” by Steve Larsen.

Photography:  First Place - "Egret Secret" by Chip Newton.

The Lake Wales High School chorus directed by Cathy Montero entertained guests as they sampled the yummy refreshments provided by several artists participating in the exhibit and Committee members. The Lake Wales Arts Council provided the much appreciated door prizes - a one-year membership to the Arts Council and two waivers of entry fees for the April 2012 Municipal Show. Several artists participating in the show provided samples of their art work also as door prizes. The art work will be on display at the Lake Wales Municipal Building through March 30, 2012.

The Lake Wales Arts Council, Inc. and City of Lake Wales began offering this quarterly juried art show in 2004. It provides an excellent venue for local artists to show their work and compete for ribbon prizes in several categories along with a Best of Show award. The show also provides the Municipal Building with a quality fine art display for the enjoyment of all of the visitors and staff. Many of the pieces on exhibit are for sale by the artists at very reasonable prices. The Show has continued to grow over the years with more than 100 artists participating in one or more shows.

For information on the April 2012 Municipal Art Show, call the Arts Council at (863) 676-8426.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Thomas Pandolfi

January 30, 2012
Janie Howard Wilson Elementary Students Amazed by Pianist
LAKE WALES – Janie Howard Wilson Elementary fifth grade students were mesmerized by concert pianist Thomas Pandolfi (pictured, center), who performed today (Jan. 30) at the Lake Wales Arts Center.
Students were treated to the free concert as part of the Lake Wales Arts Council’s education outreach program. Pandolfi played pieces by Chopin, Gershwin and Joplin. He also talked about his studies at the Julliard School of Music and his world travels.
“These experiences help shape our students into well-rounded, contributing young people in our community,” said Micky Caban, music teacher at Janie Howard Wilson.

PHOTO Release
Contact Frances McMichael
863-679-6560 x227