Friday, December 16, 2011

Transforming Florida

Creativity: Michael Maguire

Tampa’s 20th Century Downtown Skyline

Third Prize: Thomas Mack

Old N’ New Lifts
Third Prize: A-Fairchild, FL - Laird

Second Prize: Jordan Neumann


Best of Show: Kyle


“The People’s Choice:”  Jane Polkowski

Picking a Fresh Orange

Visual Artists' Focus Group Meeting ReCap

"Seventy-four visual artists from Lake Wales and the surrounding area were invited to attend the visual artists’ focus group meeting that was held on December 8th.  18 attend with three who were unable to attend but want to be included on all follow-up communication. There was a good mix of artists of all ages and types of media. After getting refreshments, the group got down to business with ideas and suggestions. We went around the table allowing each attendee the opportunity to speak and each attendee did speak to their ideas. Twice the building came up but Barb and Jean quickly stated we were here for ideas not to speak to the building. The group had a lot to say and there were discussions on how to go about implementing some of the ideas which was wonderful to see the enthusiasm. We met for two and a half hours and could have stayed a few more hours! After looking through the list of ideas/suggestions, several areas kept coming up that the artists were looking for:
1.       Communication – through e-newsletters and the website on a regular basis. They would like a list of workshops, events, etc. for the season as well as what is going on throughout the year.
2.       Art Shows – more juried shows for local artists at different levels (professional and student). They felt this gives an artist incentive to continue to improve when they are competing against other artists at their level.
3.       Art Clubs – start local art clubs such as camera/photography, plein aire, etc. that meet on a regular basis for support, lectures, etc.
4.       Workshops – on a regular basis with well-known instructors.
5.       Open Studio – open the art classroom specific days per week for specific period of time where artists can drop in to paint, quilt, knit (whatever their medium), etc. as a support group to give and receive advice, social aspect, etc. There will be a small fee to attend each session to cover the cost of utilities. Two of the artists have volunteered to head this up and implement as soon as possible.
6.       Trips to art museums, plein aire painting excursions and art leagues.
7.       Include other mediums such as fiber, glass, wood and pottery in exhibits, art clubs, etc.
8.       Social Networking – improve website so it’s more informative and interactive; Facebook; one of the artists (who is also a board member) has offered to start a Blog. I mentioned that our web designer has been a volunteer who worked on our website in his spare time.
9.       Volunteering – I took the opportunity to make it known that we are a limited staff and I will gladly accept any assistance to work on the suggestions." ~Jean Donaldson 
We are open to suggestions.  Please feel free to comment below.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Ladies’ Magical Night

"It started as a discussion at the June curatorial committee meeting – what event can replace the Lois Hill Jewelry Sale that would not be taking place this December. Arabella suggested bringing in potters to sell reasonably priced holiday ornaments and it grew from there! In September, a committee was formed to define, plan and coordinate the event. The idea grew and grew until the committee came down to reality as to what we could realistically do in the couple of months that we had to plan, coordinate and host the holiday events. There were a few bumps in the road getting there but if you haven’t heard yet, Ladies’ Magical Night and Make it Magical family day events were a success! More than 150 shoppers and browsers stopped in for Ladies’ Magical Night on December 1st, 2011.

Many were new faces to the Arts Center, at least in the two years I have been here. Our guests enjoyed lively entertainment from Hillcrest’s steel drum band and beautiful piano music by Brenda Raabe’s students, Victoria de Lissovoy’s jazz and Brent Walker’s holiday favorites.

Scrumptious appetizers donated by committee members, their families and friends and an amazing cake designed and by former Lake Wales resident and pastry chef Rachel Mayer and made especially for this occasion, were enjoyed by all.

Champagne and wine were served by a wonderful group of students from Webber University.

The array of art work and other items for sale from the participating artists were wonderful. Many guests left with shopping bags!

The Arts Council received approximately $700 commission from the artists on their sales, approximately $1,500 in ticket sales and $140 in raffle ticket receipts.

The generosity of local businesses in goods and/or discounts, appetizers donated by committee members and their families/friends and the generous monetary donation, all helped to keep expenses down. The event could not have been successful without the help of the many volunteers. We have several new volunteers to the Arts Council and they all felt this was a good way to meet new people and have fun at the same time!

Dozens of students participated in their school chorus. On Saturday at Make it Magical holiday event, it was standing room only for several of the school choruses. Choruses from Janie Howard Wilson Elementary, Babson Park Elementary, Polk Avenue Elementary, Hillcrest Elementary, Bok Academy and Lake Wales High School performed throughout the day with dancers from McLaughlin Middle School finishing up with Sugar Plum Fairy and Chinese dancers from their performance of Nutcracker." ~Jean Donaldson